School Dress Code

We all feel proud to be members of Ysgol Derwen and in representing the school this is a message we are keen to communicate with the local and wider community. Please encourage your child to respect their uniform and to keep clean and smart at all times.

The School has its own uniform which all pupils (Nursery to Year 6) are strongly encouraged to wear. Most of the items can be obtained from chain stores. 

If you would like your child to have the school logo on their uniform, these are avaliable from Forresters, Mold.

School ties are sold at school.

It would be most helpful if all main items of clothing are clearly labelled. This would greatly reduce the large amount of “lost property” which the school is left with each term. The school cannot take responsibility for lost belongings. Please also keep equipment bags as modest in size as possible as space within the school is limited.

The wearing of jewellery can be dangerous in some activities and is therefore not allowed at school. In order to comply with the LA and school's own Health and Safety Policy, jewellery is not permitted to be worn during P.E. and Games lessons. All forms of jewellery (bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings etc.) should not be worn during school hours/visits when wearing school uniform. 

Watches and earring studs only are permitted. Any child who cannot remove stud earrings for PE lessons, for whatever reason, must cover them with micropore tape. Watches must also be removed for P.E./Games activities.

Extreme Fashion Haircuts
Extreme fashion haircuts are actively discouraged e.g tramlines, colours, Mohicans.  Long hair (boys and girls) should be tied back at all times. We welcome your full support in these matters.

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